Angel Academe

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Create a winning investor pitch deck

Thanks to Christopher Mirabile for one of the best illustrations of what should go in an investor deck & in what order. Done well, this format gives potential Angel Academe investors (& others no doubt) something they can relate to for almost any startup investment opportunity.

😇 Know your audience - investors need a different story to customers or media
🔢 Narrative flow - string the key points we need to see into a logical & engaging narrative
⏩ Quickly hook us with your knowledge of your customer, their problem & your progress to date
👭 Why you? Show your leadership skills & those of the amazing & committed team around you
💰 How will you make money? Tell us about your business model, margins, growth rate & what investment will be needed in future
🎯 And your endgame - where will your exit come from?
🙏 Finish with your ask - how much are you raising & at what valuation? What milestones will that enable you to achieve?